If you want to pay with a credit card without a PayPal account, no problem. Here’s how:
Category: FAQ
How do I update my address?
It’s not obvious, but you can manage your addresses quite easily.
I forgot my password–help!
No problem. Well, annoying problem anyway. The Zencart software I use encrypts your password using the MD5 algorithym (if that means anything to you). It is strong encryption. It’s encrypted twice for good measure. Since i don’t own a supercomputer, there’s no way I can decrypt it. If you lose it, the only option is…
What if my figures arrive damaged?
What should you do if your figures arrive damaged? This almost never happens. But what if? I pack all shipments in bubble wrap and pad the figures as much as possible. But postal services can be brutal. In one case, postal inspectors in the Netherlands (yes, they were so careless that they deserve to be…
Shipping, Customs & Market Economics
I get occasional mail about shiping costs. As I hope you all know, postage is almost totally beyond my control and I pick the cheapest means possible consistent with rapid delivery. I have been very disappointed to see the steady increase in postal rates over the relatively few years I’ve been in business.
Custom Sculpting and Casting
Askari Miniatures Sculpting and Casting Services explained.