The third installment of the Army of Africa is dedicated to the Foreign Legion, from Algeria in the 1880s to Morocco and the Rif War in the 1920s and 30s.
We include the Legion in the field uniform of white bourgeron and trousers, made official in 1889. The same uniform was worn by the Batallions d’Infanterie Legere d’Afrique (BILA), perhaps better known by their nicknames: the Joyeux (the “joyous ones,” because of their constant complaining) or the Zephyrs.
For the “classic” Legion look, we have legionnaires in the famous 1872 blue capote. These too can be used as Joyeau, since epaulettes were not worn in the field after 1881.
Finally, we break new ground by offering the Legion in the 1920 khaki field uniform of the Rif War.
White field uniform, mule companies, khakis: the Legion like you’ve never seen them in miniature before!