Askari Miniatures goes pulp! We’ve just put our first sets of Egyptians into production! Shown above is EG-1, digging crew.
We are also releasing a set of merchants (EG-2) and a man with a donkey (EG-3) for hauling away all that dirt. Future releases will include farmers and fishermen.
Whether your Foreign Legionnarres have marched across the desert in search of treasure, your archeologists are digging for tombs of the pharaohs, or whatever else your scenario might be, these workers are indispensable. Although they’re called Egyptians, their dress is generic enough that they could be used to represent any desert people.
For an archeologist, see the personalities in FRP-1 or Illinois Dan ; for guarding the dig site I’ve made a small set of four (EG-5) from the Moroccan Recruits pack. Of course, if you already have the recruits, just use some of them.
Be careful of desert raiders–our Tuareg might show up at any time.