Here’s a preview of some Cossacks and a Bokharan officer we’re in the process of releasing.
From left to right, a Cosssack Hetman, Senoir Officer and Officer of Cossacks.
Don Cossck Command figures: bugler, officer, NCO.
Don Cossacks. We put bayonets on all the infantry so they could be used as foot cossacks (plastunes); for dismounted cossacks, just cut off the bayonets.
Circassian Cossack Command with the senior Cossack Officer. There will be an option for the officer firing the pistol instead.
Circassian cossack.
Senior Russian Officer in greatcoat.
Inspired by Fig 13 in Ian Heath’s Foundry book Armies of the 19th Century: Central Asia and the Himalayan Kingdoms .
This Bokharan toksaba (or ming-bashi) a senior field-grade officer from around 1870 shows Russian influence. We also have Fig 9, the drummer as well as several others I have yet to master.
All these figures will be available in January.