It has been a while since I’ve put anything on the Work Bench page. Usually I’m so busy I’d rather spend the time getting them into production. However, I’m not quite ready to release these new sailors and thought I’d share some photos.
Sorry for the white background: it seemed OK to me, but I should have lined them up on the green mat. Will do that when I get the chance.
This first batch are sailors on shipboard duty. Officers and bosuns are lower left. We even have a sailor swabbing the deck and a cabin boy. Bosuns have a whistle. The next figure has a telescope. Top row: lookout, gaff hook, signalman, sailor writing or reading map, sailor with rope, sailor with outstretched arms, suitable for conversions.
These are sailors armed for landing parties. The two on the right are ready for production. The lad trying to keep his cap on may or may not get produced.
Pall the sailors have ribbons coming down from their caps and are suitable for most navies of the time. I will eventually put Pom-pons on their caps to make French sailors.
Note that we already have released German sailors in sun helmets and in watch coats and a Russian naval officer.
Comments are welcome. It is always a challenge to make figures that are both specific in pose yet general purpose in use.