Tonight I had a look at some Russian artillery pieces I commissioned for Russian Turkestan and Russo-Turkish scenarios.
I have to say that they are tremendously awesome! The pieces include:
- 9lb Field gun
- 4lb light field gun
- Limber and caisson
- Gorlov (Gatling) gun
In addition to those, I will release a Krupp 77mm Field gun and limber, and both horse and mule teams. The Krupp piece was used by the Turks in 1877 as well as the Germans and, if I’m not mistaken, by the Boers as well. I found one on display in Morocco, too. All the pieces are in 1/64 scale, made from photographs and scale drawings from the period. For the Gorlov gun, we even had access to the Patent Office plans of the Gatlings.
I expect it will be 4-5 weeks or so before we can get the parts mastered and into production but from what I’ve seen, it will be well worth the wait.