Here are a couple of the pre-production Russo-Japanese War Russians painted up.
They are in the M1881 uniform with the summer gymnasterika instead of the dark green tunic. While painting these I discovered we’d forgotten the pogoni (shoulder boards). I’m also adding haversacks and maybe water bottles on the left rear hips since the troops seem usually to be carrying these. You’ll see a strap across the right shoulder as well. I have a nice painting of Russians in a corn field in this uniform attacking Japanese, butin their early period uniforms.
The Russians started the war in these uniforms but then as often happens, circumstances dictated changes. Later one sees the papaha (fur hat) replacing the furashka–the latter was subsequently modified by adding a peak, which made it look like the officers’ peaked version. The white gymnasterika is dyed various shades of khaki. Then, of course, the troops are often seen in some kind of winter coat.
Here are a couple of “concept figures” we did for the Russo-Japanese War. I figured we already have a start with the cossacks, why not do some infantry? Of course, these would also be useful for the Boxer Rebellion.
Anyone interestd in these? We’d have to do Japanese as well and while these are in summer uniforms, winter dress would probably also have to follow. That’s quite a committment in figures and I wouldn’t do it unless there were sufficient interest.