A limber suitable for the Krupp Field gun (A-5). It could be used throughout the late 19th century and into World War I. Some of these limbers were even used in World War II.
The standard harnessing would have been 6 horses or, in German Southwest Africa, 6-8 mules. The Germans seem to have used mules exclusively in South West Africa.
Since the Turks used Krupp guns, they used this limber as well, with horses.
This limber is very similar to a German limber of World War I used to carry the 10.5cm Light Field Howitzer.
(See the Lovett Artillery Collection for more details.)
The limber is supplied with a 2″ brass rod for use as the limber pole and 2 cast swingle trees. The first swingle tree (to which the wheel horse team are attached) should be mounted close to the wheels as shown in the painting above. The Swing team is connected to a crossbar (technically known as a Whipple Tree) which is connected to the end of the limber pole with a metal swivel. For gaming purposes, just mount the second supplied swingle tree at the end of the limber pole. The lead team, if used, has only has straps to connect them to the swing team.
The rear doors can be assembled either open or closed, as shown below.
As for colors, some sources show a greenish-gray, as the painting above; others show a bluish-gray.
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